Wednesday, December 28, 2011

JPO or Johore Premier Outlet in Kulaijaya, Johor.

I ada Shopping Handbeg kat sini
HandBeg Guess masih dlm plastic lagi..

Pergh...ramai giler masuk sini...

Coach...que sampai kat escalator

Salam semua, ni sebenarnyer citer last week 26 Dec. Me, Suria, Fuza and Faridah since last week plan nak gi JPO, so we decide to go on Public Holiday masa tu Christmas Day. Kebetulan pulak My Hubby busy keja for monitor Cargo at Johor Port. Dengan dapat keizinan my hubby jugak berbekalkan BONUS yg dh dapat...aper lagi..arrangement we alls pon jadik laa. Around 10.15am we alls gi JPO ni.

Distance from Johor Jaya tk de laa jauh sgt ke JPO yg terletak di Indahpura, KulaiJaya. We alls follow 2nd Link jek. Just tol kat Perling and tol kat Lima Kedai heading to Senai Airport. Masuk kat simpang yg nampak Signboard to Indahpura, Kulaijaya...dah nampak JPO yg luas from the highway.
We reach there kul 11 lebih....pergh...bernasib baik parking lot still ader yg kosong. So dapat laa parking dekat ngan entrance...kt belakang dh que keta nk masuk JPO ni..kebanyakan keta dr S'pore ngan KL. Keta JB pon banyak jugak. Tp kebanyakan org JB ramai dh gi dulu masa opening...they all said lagi murah masa tu. Sampai ader certain bole dapat dalam puluh2 RM jek.

Ok citer kt JPO pulak...kt dalam ni rupernya dh ramai Holiday. Kiter org dah lapar...nk cari tempat makan tk salah i nama Food Court "Guzheng'.... At 1st macam surprise tengok ramai giler kt Food Court situ...bile tengok time...padan laa..dh kul 12.00 lebih (Lunch Hour) banyak jugak choice kt FC situ, ader Korean Food, Taiwan Food, Local Food and etc... TAPI..lepas i round kat sumer stall yg ader, i dah mula curios Ke HALALnan kt situ...i cari sijil halal yg ader tampal kt stall masing2. Ader yg i nampak they all hang yg Original HALAL Cert, kebanyakannya guna photostat cert kt stall masing2. Ntah laa... since i dah was-was...better i makan kt yg ader hang original Halal Cert kat tempat KueyTeow... so we alls choose kt situ tuk makan. Nanti i akn tanya kt my Sis in-law, dia keja kt Genting Bhd developer yg buat JPO ni....dia mesti banyak info yg sebenar kan...ANOTHER things...i tk paham kenapa banyak sangat LALAT kat FoodCourt tuh ??? Tu pon i kena tanya info kt my Sis I-L i tuh... nanti yek i tanya dia...

Lepas settle makan kt situ... aper lagi we alls mer-aound kt sumer branded outlets yg ramai giler....sampai nak masuk kt certain boutique kena que panjangggg....huh...memang giler laa klu gi JPO ni during PH. I Masuk Charles & Keith ingat nak cari dapat, masuk Carlo Rino, Fossil pun banyak yg i tk dapat nk last masuk kt Guess baru dapat beli..harga handbeg tuh kalau sape yg tahu original Guess berapa..mesti dapat agak kan standard price Guess product. Pastu ingat nak survey jam ngan kasut...huh...makin lama kt JPO ni makin bergesel lah jalan2 kat situ. Macam nak pitam lak tengok ramai sangat org kt JPO ni. My frens pon dah pening giler..rasanya tk sabar nak kuar dari JPO ni... Satu hal lak nak bayar parking...pon kena que.... huh..
Sooo u allss....moral of the story kalau nk gi JPO...datang pagi2 especially during Public Holiday occay...

U alls tengok list kt bawah... 
banyak kan Branded Outlets yg ader....

Johor Premium Outlets List of Outlets

Designers Fashion and Sportwear
Suite Store

902  Adidas
436  Armani Exchange (Opening Soon)
334  Armani Outlet
220  Brooks Brothers Factory Store (Opening Soon)
700  Burberry
328  Canali
434  CK Calvin Klein
508  Cotton On
432  DKNY
422 Esprit
516 Flow
416 G2000 Outlet
528 Gap Outlet
532 Guess
426 La Senza Lingerie
430 Lacoste Outlet
524 Levi’s Outlet Store
1000 Nike Factory Store
100 Padini Outlet Store
212 Pink Jambu
604 Polo Ralph Lauren (Opening Soon)
418 Poney Outlet
404 Puma
518 Quiksilver
222 Raoul (Opening Soon)
414 Rip Curl
520 Roxy
330 Salvatore Ferragamo Company Store
234 Shanghai Tang
420 Timberland
216 Tommy Hilfiger (Opening Soon)
308 Universal Traveller
224 Versace (Opening Soon)
606 Zegna Outlet Store

Suite Store

512 Charles & Keith Reductions
400 Clarks
316 Geox
304 Pedro Outlet
402 Skechers
300 Vincci

Accessories and Jewellery
Suite Store
412 City Chain
214 Evita Peroni
324 Swiss Watch Gallery (Opening Soon)
306 Tomei (Opening Soon)
320 Wear + When (Opening Soon)

Fine Leather and Luggage
Suite Store

312 Bonia (Opening Soon)
408 Carlo Rino
228 Coach
230 Coach Men’s
428 Fossil
232 Michael Kors
314 Oroton Factory
310 Samsonite Factory Outlet
322 Tumi

Gift and Specialty Items
Suite Store
302 Cosmetics & Designer Fragrances
206 Fidani Chocolate
602 Maybank
318 Royal Selangor
522 The Body Shop Outlet
210 The Cosmetics Company Store (Opening Soon)

Housewares and Home Furnishing
Suite Store

410 Akemi

Food and Beverages
Suite Store
1002 Absolute Thai
502 Baskin-Robbins
401 Crispy Crepe
204 George & Dragon Café
504 Kampachi Japanese Restaurant
200 Starbucks Coffee
500 The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

Lists of outlets in JPO....ader tak favourite brand u alls kat sini ?

Happy Reading...With Luv

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wedding Syima & Fadz...i'm the success matchmakers..Alhamdullilah.

Maaflah...gambar blur sikit..ambik dr jauh..ramai orangmasa tu..

Salam semua, Sorry laa lambat update...
1st sekali bila u baca title kt post ni u alls mesti say something kan....
Actually last weekend 17/12/2011, me and my hubby gi wedding my friend kat Taman Tun Aminah, JB. I memang jarang update or citer pasal wedding org kt blog ni. Even dah berpuluh2 wedding i gi...
 This time lain sikit...i rasa terharu bercampur gembira lak bila tengok Syima ngan Fadz sampai jodoh diaorg. Nak tahu kenapa...sebab i lah matchmaker tuk Syima.
I kenal Syima that time year 2008, masa tu i baru join EY kt Menara Pelangi (i pernah keja sini year 1995-1998). She's working at the gov office as PA for Pengarah Majlis Keselamatan Negeri Johor....just beside my office...kira jiran office laa...
Hari2 i nampak budak ni balik naik bas, i pon that time naik bas jugak..that time i belum kawin lagi...status Ms J that time..(Long Story n citer lama...)...
So week after i keje EY ni...i saja jek berbual ngan budak ni..She's younger than me about 9 years. She's very humble person dan cantik orang nyer mcm peranakan lak, ngn hidung macung, kening tebal and very natural beauty.....Dia kenalkan diri as Syima. Then she called me Kak Ekin. So start pada tu i ngan Syima berkawan gi balik keja sama2. Sampai laa satu hari tu i bertanya..Syima ni gi balik keja jek tk der dating2 ngan BF ker ? Baru laa dier citer yg dia memang tk pandai ada BF since dier study lagi. Kawan2 ada laa...kata Syima. I believed what she said. Didikan parents jadikan dia seorang yg humble person...dan seorang gadis yg belum tercemar oleh arus kemodenan. 1/2 year jugak i rapat ngn Syima sampai my family and her family also know each other.
 1 hari tu i cuba berbual ngan 1 of my colleague name Iskandar, kebetulan dia pon tgh cari someone yg bole dia recommend kt his close friend "Fadz" (early 30's) working at Cold Storage Plaza Pelangi as Branch Mngr bersebelahan Menara Pelangi tmpt we alls keja. Belum kahwin lagi. 
So kiter org cuba laa buat arrangement for blind date... Seperti yg ditetapkan...akhirnya sumer berjalan dgn lancar. Sehinggakan office Majlis Keselamatan Negeri berpindah ke Nusajaya (Office Syima keja), They still coupled. I pun tk pernah lost contact ngan Syima.
Hubungan diaorg success sampailah ke tarikh 16.12.2011 tarikh pernikahan Syima and Fadz. Tarikh 17.12.2011 majlis persandingan diaorg. 
Sebelum Syima bersanding i sempat masuk ke bilik pengantin. "Kak Ekin datangggg....." kata Syima sambil peluk i, dia mcm rasa terharu sgt bila tengok i hadir di majlis dia. Dia sempat ckp kat Mak Andam dia yg i ni "MatchMaker" dia ngan Fadz. Mak Andam cakap besar pahala temukan jodoh mereka....So tersenyum bangga lah i ngan kata2 tu. Lagi laa i jadi bertambah terharu....
Alhamdullilah...Sampai jodoh mereka.

Kepada Syima dan Fadz...
Semoga Berkekalan Hingga Ke Akhir Hayat.

Happy Reading...With Luv

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hindustan Chori Chori, Chupke

Salam semua, malam tadi me and my hubby dok layan citer seram yg baru kat TV3 "Santau Merasuk"...sementara menunggu iklan lama kt TV3, my hubby tukar la k channel Zee @ ASTRO, that time tgh citer "Chori Chori, Chupke Chupke"....  best jugak tengok citer lama yg top earlys 2000 rasanya...
Imbas laa zaman bujang2 masa dok Shah Alam ngan housemate i...asal ader citer hindustan yg best2 jek kiterorg dok layan, pulak tu i nyer housemate rajin sangat beli CD citer2 hindustan... I yg i tak tahan ngan housemate i nih, asal tengok hindustan jek housemate i tuh mesti nangesss biler part2 yg sedey2.... meleleh2 airmater dier... Housemate i tu memang jiwa jiwang sikit.
Rindu pulak zaman bujang dulu bila flashback zaman duk ngan housemate yg macam2 kerenah tuh...Maner laa they all skrg...sumer dah lost contact.. hmmm....
Back to hindustan tadi...i search lagu2 dlm film ni... dapat laa upload...and dapat jugak kongsi ngan u alls synopsis citer ni klu u alls tk berapa nk ingat jalan citer ni...
Kalau u alls rajin try search citer ni kt YouTube k...


Raj Malhotra (Salman Khan) and Priya (Rani Mukerji) are members of high society. They meet, get married and soon Priya gets pregnant. Soon after, Priya trips, miscarries, and becomes permanently infertile. On the doctor's advice, the couple conceal this fact and decide to secretly look for a surrogate mother to bear Raj's child. Raj meets Madhubala aka Madhu (Preity Zinta), a prostitute who agrees to have Raj's baby, for the money. After some much-needed grooming, Madhu meets Priya--who will be left unaware that Madhu was a prostitute--and the three depart for Switzerland together to carry out their plan.
Soon Madhu is pregnant with Raj's child, and he happily tells his family that Priya is expecting. Meanwhile, his business partner is sexually harassing Madhu until she's ready to leave, upset at the thought that Raj told his friend that she is a prostitute (he didn't). Although Priya finds out about Madhu's past, she still believes that Madhu should carry their child, and she begs her to stay. Finally the partner assaults Madhu while (he thinks) she's home alone, but Raj saves her. Overwhelmed by Raj's kindness, Madhu falls in love with him.
Raj's family suddenly arrives in Switzerland. While Priya reaches for pregnancy-simulating pillows, the family meet the heavily-pregnant Madhu and Raj tells them that she's a friend who's staying with him and Priya while her husband is business-traveling. Raj's grandfather (Amrish Puri) arranges a religious ceremony and tells Raj and Priya that they are going back to India; this also includes Madhu.
The ceremony is very important so Priya sends Madhu as herself. The emotion at the ceremony is too much for Madhu and she becomes conflicted about giving up her child. Priya finds Madhu's room empty and the money dumped on the bed, and pursues her to the train station, only to slap Madhu when she confesses that she loves Raj. By the time Raj gets there, Madhu has gone into premature labor. The doctor announces that only one--Madhu or her child--can be saved, and Priya asks him to save Madhu. However, both mother and baby survive and seem likely to thrive. Madhu gives the baby to Priya, who quickly settles into a hospital bed with "her" baby. The doctor tells the family that Madhu's child was stillborn.
When Madhu is ready to leave, she promises Raj that she won't go back to prostitution. When he takes her to the airport he realizes that she loved him and kisses her forehead. Madhu leaves happily, ready and able to start fresh, as Raj and Priya start their own new lives as thankful and proud parents.

P/s : Kalau nak dengar lagu Citer Chori Chori, Chupke Chupke..klik laa kt sini....
Credit to Wikipedia and Smashits.

Happy Reading...With Luv

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Menziarah kematian Pak Abok (my hubby uncle) di Kebun Teh.

Salam semua, ni i sambung balik dr post semalam...
Lepas i dapat roses from my hubby and i called him to say thanks.
Tgh bergenang airmata sambil sebok berposing ngan roses tuh... tiba2 i received call from hubby pulak..
say that Pak Abok meninggal.
 Perasaan yg tgh suker dan gembira tu jadi suasana terperanjat sejenak....hmhmmm...
Pak abok nih abah(father in-law) nyer adik...the only adik lelaki yg dia ader.
Terkejut i dengar...rasanya baru jumpa arwah.... sakit aper yek ??
So my hubby ajak balik tengok jenazah buat kali terakhir.
I inform HR and apply emergency leave. Around 1.30pm my hubby sampai. I turun ke lobby sambil bwk turun sekali roses tuh... kebetulan memang lunch ramai yg berlegar kt lobby Menara Pelangi tengok i dengan roses tuh...malu dan bangga jugak...
Naik jek keta terus kiss hubby...muah...thanks for the roses hubbyku sayang..cehhh berjiwang jap ngan hubby...

Kawasan perkuburan Kebun Teh

Ok citer balik pasal post ni...
Actually masa i naik keta, my hubby ckp nk ambik abah ngn mak, along(his bro) pon ader. So i ok jek...just nak singgah umah to change baju kurung. Proper sikit nak tengok org meninggal. Around 2 something then we go to Arwah Pak Abok hse at Tampoi Utama. According their families nak kebumi lepas asar, proses sumer kat Masjid Tmn Tampoi Utama.
So sampai kt masjid tuh jenazah dah sampai tunggu tuk dimandikan, dikapankan dan disembahyang. Kt situ masa tu jumpa sumer family abah, kebanyakkan i memang tk berapa kenal or ingat, so just main salam jek, nasib baik Mak yg kenalkan diaorg...Dan i juga cuba tenangkan Mkcik Mah...Istigfar dan Redha atas kematian arwah Pak Abok.
Sepanjang kt situ sempat jugak i bacakan surah Yassin tuk disedekahkan pada arwah Pak Abok. Lepas tu baru i tolong kuarga dia sediakan aper yg patut..gunting daun pandan dan bunga-bungaan, buat air tuk siram atas kubur. Serba sikit dapat jugak i berbakti tuk kuarga arwah. Dalam kul 4 lebih lepas waktu Asar, selamat jenazah di sembahyangkan.
Lepas selesai jenazah dibawa ke van jenazah tuk dikebumikan di Kawasan Perkuburan Kebun Teh.
Kereta kuarga sumer berkonvoi mengiringi van jenazah.
Jenazah selamat di kebumikan berdekatan dengan kubur arwah kuarga abah yg telah tiada. They all citer kat situ ader arwah nenek, datuk, abng, kakak dan iparduai abah. Sempat laa juga i sedekahkan Al-Fatihah tuk mereka yg telah tiada.
Semoga ALLAH mengampuni segala dosa mereka dan tempatkan mereka disisi orang-orang yg beriman.


Happy Reading...With Luv

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12 stalks of Roses for my Birthday...Thanks Hubby.

Sempat posing ngan Roses tuh..

Thanks hubby for the lovely roses.
Salam semua...Kan tadi dok citer pasal my birthday yg ker 35, ni i nak sharing lagi about my birthday.

Citer pagi ni my hubby memang buat tak tahu jek on my Birthday... i tengok muker dier pon dier buat tak tahu jek... sedey laa jugak hati ni...nk tanya segan...paling tidak i tanya sikit jek..."sampai hati hubby tk wish i mlm tadi..." tp my hubby lak ckp dia dah wish tp i dh tido, dia bisik kt telinga i..and dapat satu ciuman kt dahi...memang i lena sgt2 sampai tk sedar dia cium dahi n wish i.. I paham my hubby ni memang tk berapa lah nak berani tunjuk kasih sayang depan2 i... tapi i paham my hubby macammana...sepatah kata Allahyarham P.Ramlee..."Sape tak sayang bini ooiii..."...kata2 tu jugak dia selalu ckp kt i.. 
So turun dari keta my hubby anta gi keja, dia wish birthday, dia ckp "sorry b, nothing that i can give to u for your birthday today, out of budget..belated cay.."... To me i memang tk mengharap aper2 sgt..ingatan dari yang tersayang pun dah memadai. Thanks hubby for wishing me... i appreciate that.

Tapi tak disangka arini...masa i lepak kt reception lunch time kat office tadi tetiba jek i nampak 1 chinese lady from florist delivery bunga kt office me dah biasa sgt bebudak office ni dapat bunga on their birthday.. so i tak lah expect bunga tu tuk i (nak sedapkan hati...)
Bila that chinese lady tu masuk... dia suruh i sign to receive that Roses...surprise sgtttttt...nama i yg ada kat receipt tu... so tersimpul malu...lepas that chinese lady tu balik, tetiba airmata ni dah bergenang bila i bukak kad yg ada kt celah 12 stalks Red Roses tu...
"To my beloved wife...Wish You Happy Birthday...From : Hubby"...
He surprise me again..I terus call my hubby...sambil nangis...
Thanks hubby...I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.......i'm soo speechless tu jek words yg i dapat ckp... From his voice also that he speechless.. Rasanya tk sabar nk balik jumpa my hubby.
My colleague sumer nampak roses ni ckp cantik...and they also wish my birthday.
 Like what people always said...received roses from the loves one is part of the dreams for every women in the world.
FEW MIN AFTER I RECEIVED THE ROSES......(nanti i sambung balik kat post lain...)

Happy Reading...With Luv

Happy birthday to me 35th year this year.

 Hari ni genap umur ku yg ke 35 tahun...dah melepasi awal 30an...dan dah nak berganjak ke angka 40.
Terima kasih ALLAH kerana memberi diruku tuk terus bernafas di Bumi mu ini. Syukur atas segala kurniaan mu dan ke redhaan mu untuk ku meneruskan hidup dengan rezeki, kebahagiaan yang telah ku perolehi. Ku pohon padamu agar diperkuatkan iman ku, dikurniakan rezeki zuriat untuk menambah kebahagiaan kami suami isteri,  Dan beri ku kesihatan sempurna, juga kebahagiaan hingga akhir hayat .
Amin Ya Rabaalamin. 

P/s : Thanks to all yg wish my birthday...especially those in the office :-)

Happy Reading...With Luv

Friday, December 9, 2011

Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia di buka di Johor Jaya, JB

Few things my hubby beli product 1Malaysia

Salam Semua, nak citer pasal Kedai 1 Malaysia yang baru di buka di Rose Merah or Plentong area Taman Johor Jaya.
1st day MC(Tue), malam tu agak2 dah ok condition diri ini..tetiba my hubby ckp nk ikut tak gi somewhere... so i agak pelik laa sikit, tanya punya hubby tk nak answer...ikut laa jugak, malas nk tinggal sorang2....dia bwk pusing punya pusing kat area Jln Rose Merah, Taman Johor Jaya... my hubby ckp tk jumpa last dier bwk i balik umah semula... i cuba tanya laa lagi sekali dier carik aper...hahhh...rupernyer dia bwk i round area situ sbb nk cari Kedai 1 Malaysia...My Hubby dapat info ni pon dr one of his FB friends.
So the next day (Wed) i'm still on MC...lepas balik dari klinik, my hubby bwk i round lagi kat area Jln Rose Merah...that time siang pulak. Pon tak jumpa kedai 1 Malaysia, i jadik pelik...nape susah sangat nak carik kedai tu. Tp My hubby tk putus asa.. mlm tu kiterorg carik lagi Kedai 1 Malaysia tu.
Kali ni dapat pon jumpa Kedai 1 Malaysia, tak pon susah nk menuju kat situ... belok kiri dr 1st junction kat mainroad Jalan RoseMerah (sesape duk area Johor Jaya mesti tahu jalan sini kan) Sampai kat kedai tuh..kami di sambut mesra oleh casher yg bertugas, konsep kedai memang macam Mini Market. Setelah i round row by row kt dalam kedai tuh...banyak item yg i dh dapat compare ngan market kt luar amat berpatutan harganya. So banyak jugak me n my hubby shopping kt Kedai 1 Malaysia tuh..nk try produk or barangan 1 Malaysia, so far bila i dh bwk balik...especially ice cream strawberry, sedap jugak... other can foods belom try lagi... this weekend laa baru bukak. My Hubby ckp next time toiletries and groceries bole shopping kt situ. I ok long boleh save me and my hubby monthly expenses kan...

P/s : Sesaper lom gi  Kedai 1 Malaysia bole la cuba...maybe time tuk u alls buat comparison untuk shopping. Thanks pada kerajaan kiter kerana begitu perihatin kos sara hidup rakyat Malaysia. ;-)

Happy Reading...With Luv

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sakit Telinga or "Vertigo" cause MC for 2 days

Salam Semua, arini baru i naik keja lepas 2 hari MC.
Happens baru2 ni, i bangun tido jek telinga i rasa macam 'berdesing' or 'berdengung'...zsszssss semacam dalam telinga i, actuallly i dah kena since last week on Friday, dia punye berdesing tuh sampai kepala i jadi 'dizzi'...i macam tk nampak clearly aper yg ader kat depan mata...semuanya berpusing...nk jalan pon tk boleh..i betul2 melayang. But that Friday i just ignore jek...even i dah pusing semacam...ingat makan 'Ponstan' should be ok..memang ok until Monday baru ni, tapi happens again on Tuesday... pagi tu agak ok berdesing telinga nih..suddenly i tgh answer call..terus berpusing kepala ni...out of control...i intercom my colleague to replace coz i macam nk pitam...i dah tak nampak no kat PABX ngan screen monitor desktop i pon i dah tk leh nampak aper pon....memang i flat giler... i duk kat dlm small meeting room bukak tudung and sapu minyak kapak satu kepala and vormit few times kt dustbin yg ada plastic. Nak jalan tk bole.... Few min i call my hubby pick me up to send me see doctor. My hubby sampai jek...terus bwk i turun lift papah i.... People surrounding bercakap pon i dengar mcm tk dengar kat lobby Menara Pelangi, malu tk malu laa ppl kt lobby tuh tengok i... 
Sampai kt keta jek i terbaring, then terus my hubby bwk i gi Klinik panel clinic. Nasib baik tk ramai..Jumpa laa ngn Mrs Theesan (Doctor) and dapat la satu injection kat 'Tut' belakang i. Doc ckp i kena minor VERTIGO infection. But i'm not sure what is the meaning of VERTIGO. Doc ade explain sikit related ngan sakit telinga i i still tk leh paham coz i'm still dizzi..dah tk leh masuk dlm otak aper org ckp...kepala i betul2 blank. After settle ambik ubat and dapat MC my hubby terus bwk i balik. so dapat laa rest and tido sampai kul 6pm.
Next day lak... i kena lagi sekali...aper lagi my hubby terus bwk i gi same panel clinic. Dapat lagi 1 hari MC. Sebenarnya doc ckp better i refer kat specialist for ENT(Ear, Nose or throat) to get more info or treatment. Huh...biler doc ckp mcm tuh kena refer to specialist, lagi laa pening kepala i nih..cost beb.. tengok laa coming Sat nih i nak ajak my hubby gi.
Ya ALLAH.. aper sebenarnya penyakit aku nih... ari ni lak i cuber search google tentang VERTIGO. Got few info yg bole i sharing kat u alls yg i dapat copy and paste kt sini. Bila i baca tentang VERTIGO nih...huh..amat mendebarkan i... harap2 apa yg i kena nih tk sehebat info yg i dapat. Insyaallah....

Proof Mc for 2 days..cause of Vertigo.

Banyak jenis ubat nak kena makan.

Vertigo Overview
Vertigo is the feeling that you or your environment is moving or spinning. It differs from dizziness in that vertigo describes an illusion of movement. When you feel as if you yourself are moving, it's called subjective vertigo, and the perception that your surroundings are moving is called objective vertigo.
Unlike nonspecific lightheadedness or dizziness, vertigo has relatively few causes.

Vertigo Causes

Vertigo can be caused by problems in the brain or the inner ear.

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common form of vertigo and is characterized by the sensation of motion initiated by sudden head movements or moving the head in a certain direction. This type of vertigo is rarely serious and can be treated.
  • Vertigo may also be caused by inflammation within the inner ear (labyrinthitis or vestibular neuritis), which is characterized by the sudden onset of vertigo and may be associated with hearing loss. The most common cause of labyrinthitis is a viral or bacterial inner ear infection.
  • Meniere's disease is composed of a triad of symptoms including: episodes of vertigo, ringing in the ears (tinnitis), and hearing loss. People with this condition have the abrupt onset of severe vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, as well as periods in which they are symptom-free.
  • Acoustic neuroma is a type of tumor of the nerve tissue that can cause vertigo. Symptoms include vertigo with one-sided ringing in the ear and hearing loss.
  • Vertigo can be caused by decreased blood flow to the base of the brain. Bleeding into the back of the brain (cerebellar hemorrhage) is characterized by vertigo, headache, difficulty walking, and inability to look toward the side of the bleed. The result is that the person's eyes gaze away from the side with the problem. Walking is also extremely impaired.
  • Vertigo is often the presenting symptom in multiple sclerosis. The onset is usually abrupt, and examination of the eyes may reveal the inability of the eyes to move past the midline toward the nose.
  • Head trauma and neck injury may also result in vertigo, which usually goes away on its own.
  • Migraine, a severe form of headache, may also cause vertigo. The vertigo is usually followed by a headache. There is often a prior history of similar episodes but no lasting problems.
  • Complications from diabetes can cause arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) which can lead to lowered blood flow to the brain, causing vertigo symptoms.

Vertigo Symptoms

Vertigo implies that there is a sensation of motion either of the person or the environment, often perceived as if the room is spinning around you. This should not be confused with symptoms of lightheadedness or fainting. Vertigo differs from motion sickness in that motion sickness is a feeling of being off-balance and lacking equilibrium, caused by repeated motions such as riding in a car or boat.
  • If true vertigo exists, symptoms include a sensation of disorientation or motion. In addition, the individual may also have any or all of these symptoms:

    • nausea or vomiting,
    • sweating, and/or
    • abnormal eye movements.
  • The duration of symptoms can be from minutes to hours, and symptoms can be constant or episodic. The onset may be due to a movement or change in position. It is important to tell the doctor about any recent head trauma or whiplash injury as well as any new medications the affected individual is taking.
  • The person may have hearing loss and a ringing sensation in the ears.
  • The person might have visual disturbances, weakness, difficulty speaking, a decreased level of consciousness, and difficulty walking.
p/s : Dah bacakan...serba sikit dapat info kan...

Happy Reading...With Luv

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tukar Background music...Ost Autumn In My Heart

Salam Semua...mesti dh dgr kan background music kt blog i nih... saja jek tukar lagu nih...i memang suka instrumental song...this is part of the instrumental song yg i suka...
Actually lagu ni dalam citer 'Autumn In My Heart', it's a korean drama yg top masa 2002 or 2003...i memang follow citer ni... best and very touching. I pernah spend rm100over just to buy DVD citer2 korea yg top that time. Masih ader lagi dlm koleksi i. Maybe ramai yg tk tahu citer i just sharing the sinopsis of this drama. Klu rajin try search video citer ni kat Youtube...sure u alls nk tegok sampai abis. Kalau u alls notice actress citer nih yg acting dalam 'FullHouse' ngan citer 'Hotelier'.

The story begins with toddler, Yoon Joon-Seo accidentally causing the switch of his sister and another baby when he drops the name cards on the two babies cribs in the hospital baby room. A nurse who came in put them back incorrectly. The story then continues with the teenage years of the two main characters: Yoon Joon-Seo (Choi Woo Hyuk) and Yoon Eun-Seo (Moon Geun Young). They are the children of a rich professor and believe they are biologically brother and sister until Eun-Seo gets hit by a truck and needs a blood transfusion. At the beginning, Eun-Seo is very popular in school whereas her rival Choi Shin-Ae (Lee Ae Jung), is smart but does not get the attention she craves from the teacher and their classmates. Later, their situations are reversed when the switch is discovered.
After blood tests were carried out by the doctor on Mr. and Mrs. Yoon for Eun-Seo's transfusion, the Yoons find out that Eun-Seo belongs to Mrs. Choi, and Shin-Ae is the Yoon's biological daughter. At first, only the parents and brother knew about this, but eventually, Shin-Ae discovered the truth after she got into a fierce argument with her non-biological mother over a teddy bear she received from her biological father. Eun-Seo only discovered the truth after Shin-Ae wants her biological parents to take her in. In the end, the two daughters were returned to their rightful parents. Shin-Ae moves in with the Yoon family, and Eun-Seo goes to live with Mrs. Choi (her biological father is dead) who operates a small restaurant living in abject poverty.
Years went by, and in the duration, the Yoon family went to the United States, where Joon-Seo (Song Seung Heon) returns to South Korea as a successful artist. He went back to the town he lived in, where he encountered his old friend, Han Tae-Seok (Won Bin), who stays at the hotel where Eun-Seo (Song Hye Kyo) works as a telephone receptionist. Tae-Seok (who doesn't know about the entire brother and sister mixup that happened earlier) fell in love with Eun-Seo and played games with her until she was fired from her job. One day Eun-Seo saw Joon-Seo and followed him to the beach where he was with Yoo-Mi (his fiancée) and Tae-Seok and the two "siblings" finally meet after ten years.
Eun-Seo and Joon-Seo pretend to have a sibling relationship in front of the others, but they meet each other secretly and become deeply in love, though she always refers to him as "brother." Shin-Ae (Han Chae Young) finds out about their relationship and exposes the two after she found a love letter Eun-Seo had written to Joon-Seo. The two decide to stay together, but are soon forced apart again because their parents are against the union, and Yoo-Mi hurts herself and threatens suicide to hang onto Joon-Seo.
As a fight between Joon-Seo and Tae-Seok grows over their professed love for Eun-Seo, she discovers she has leukemia (the same illness that took her biological father's life). She didn't tell anyone except Tae-Seok, who offers to pay for her treatment. When she takes a turn for the worse, the others start finding out. When it was clear that there was no hope, Joon-Seo finds out and takes her home so she can spend her last days with him. At this point, Yoo-Mi finally leaves him. Eun-Seo dies as Joon-Seo was carrying her around the beach where they spent her birthday as teenagers.
Before Eun-Seo died, she told Joon-Seo not to follow her in death, and to continue living. However, Joon-Seo, dazed and grief-stricken by the death of his lover and "sister", is struck by a truck in the same place as Eun-Seo's accident and presumably dies.

P/s : Saper yg memang rajin follow korean drama, try to watch this AUTUMN IN MY HEART...
Really touching...^_^

Happy Reading...With Luv