Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12 stalks of Roses for my Birthday...Thanks Hubby.

Sempat posing ngan Roses tuh..

Thanks hubby for the lovely roses.
Salam semua...Kan tadi dok citer pasal my birthday yg ker 35, ni i nak sharing lagi about my birthday.

Citer pagi ni my hubby memang buat tak tahu jek on my Birthday... i tengok muker dier pon dier buat tak tahu jek... sedey laa jugak hati ni...nk tanya segan...paling tidak i tanya sikit jek..."sampai hati hubby tk wish i mlm tadi..." tp my hubby lak ckp dia dah wish tp i dh tido, dia bisik kt telinga i..and dapat satu ciuman kt dahi...memang i lena sgt2 sampai tk sedar dia cium dahi n wish i.. I paham my hubby ni memang tk berapa lah nak romantik...tk berani tunjuk kasih sayang depan2 i... tapi i paham my hubby macammana...sepatah kata Allahyarham P.Ramlee..."Sape tak sayang bini ooiii..."...kata2 tu jugak dia selalu ckp kt i.. 
So turun dari keta my hubby anta gi keja, dia wish birthday, dia ckp "sorry b, nothing that i can give to u for your birthday today, out of budget..belated cay.."... To me i memang tk mengharap aper2 sgt..ingatan dari yang tersayang pun dah memadai. Thanks hubby for wishing me... i appreciate that.

Tapi tak disangka arini...masa i lepak kt reception lunch time kat office tadi tetiba jek i nampak 1 chinese lady from florist delivery bunga kt office ni...to me dah biasa sgt bebudak office ni dapat bunga on their birthday.. so i tak lah expect bunga tu tuk i (nak sedapkan hati...)
Bila that chinese lady tu masuk... dia suruh i sign to receive that Roses...surprise sgtttttt...nama i yg ada kat receipt tu... so tersimpul malu...lepas that chinese lady tu balik, tetiba airmata ni dah bergenang bila i bukak kad yg ada kt celah 12 stalks Red Roses tu...
"To my beloved wife...Wish You Happy Birthday...From : Hubby"...
He surprise me again..I terus call my hubby...sambil nangis...
Thanks hubby...I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.......i'm soo speechless tu jek words yg i dapat ckp... From his voice also that he speechless.. Rasanya tk sabar nk balik jumpa my hubby.
My colleague sumer nampak roses ni ckp cantik...and they also wish my birthday.
 Like what people always said...received roses from the loves one is part of the dreams for every women in the world.
FEW MIN AFTER I RECEIVED THE ROSES......(nanti i sambung balik kat post lain...)

Happy Reading...With Luv

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